Neue Testversion 17.90b1

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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by ellhel »


vielleicht liegt das am Dual-Monitor-Betrieb.
Auch habe ich eine Software zur Verwaltung der Monitorumgebung installiert. Das Programm ist der "Actual Window Manager".
Oder es liegt an Windows 8.

PhotoLine 21 & Betas, Win-10 Pro 64-bit, ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2018, Dxo Optics Pro 9, Panasonic DMC-G6
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by toyotadesigner »

Oder es liegt an Windows 8.
Du weisst doch:
Windows ist wie U-Boot fahren, mit dem öffnen eines Fensters beginnen die Probleme.

Auch wenn sie jetzt die Bäder raumhoch verfliest haben, ändert das nichts am Durchzug bei offenen Fenstern.
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by ellhel »

Windows ist wie U-Boot fahren, mit dem öffnen eines Fensters beginnen die Probleme.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Auf Deinen Sarkasmus fahr ich richtig ab :mrgreen:


Übrigens mach ich um diese kindischen Kacheln ein großen Bogen. Mein PC startet gleich durch zum Desktop.
Startbutton habe ich mir zurückgeholt, Schnellstartleiste' eigentlich wie Win7.
Nur das ich beim Umstieg auf Win8 noch den 64-bit Modus "mitgenommen" habe.
Das hat doch schon einiges an Performance gebracht :P
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by akeller »

toyotadesigner wrote:Windows ist wie U-Boot fahren, mit dem öffnen eines Fensters beginnen die Probleme.
Könnte man bitte diesen Blödsinn im Beta-Forum unterlassen.
Ich arbeite seit langen auf Win- und Mac-Systemen, beide haben Stärken und Schwächen. Einen Glaubenskrieg über das bessere System kann sicher auf einer anderen Plattform problemlos geführt werden. Hier soll es um PL gehen und es ist richtig, dass es für Win und Mac parallel weiterentwickelt wird.

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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by Herbert123 »

Two quick things I noticed:

1) in the color editor (rgb), when I use the tab key to go to the next entry field, the number is not selected, which does not work like other entry fields. I expect the value in an entry field to be pre-selected when I tab between entry fields?
2) copying a virtual layer or a group with a virtual layer with sub-adjustment layers attached results in a copy of that virtual layer without the adjusment layers.

Oh, and before I forget: a big "thank you" for including that layer thumbnail option to display either the document or the layer contents! Probably not yet noticed by others, but a big time-saver for me!
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by Juan »

Herbert123 wrote:Oh, and before I forget: a big "thank you" for including that layer thumbnail option to display either the document or the layer contents! Probably not yet noticed by others, but a big time-saver for me!
I didn´t noticed until I read it from you, big thanks from me too. :)

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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by ellhel »

ellhel wrote:Ich kann durch folgende Vorgehensweise eine Absturz von PhotoLine provozieren:
Rechtsklick auf eine Dialog-Titelleiste, dann wähle ich im Kontextmenü "Dialoganordnungen verwalten" aus. Ich verlasse gleich wieder das sich öffnende Fenster über "Abbruch".
Dann wieder Rechtsklick auf eine Dialog-Titelleiste. Sofort erfolgt ein Absturz.
Ist übrigens bei 32 und 64-bit Version genau gleich (auch bei der 17.5).
Ich zitiere mich mal selbst. Also den Absturz kann ich auf meinem Win7-32 bit System genauso hinbekommen.
Vielleicht liegt das an meinen Usersettings.
Herbert 123 hat geschrieben

Oh, and before I forget: a big "thank you" for including that layer thumbnail option to display either the document or the layer contents! Probably not yet noticed by others, but a big time-saver for me!
Ist ne' tolle Funktion. Die Größe der Thumnails sollte aber gespeichert werden. Bei hin und her schalten sind die immer auf "32" eingestellt.


Wenn ich den "Usersettings" Ordner neu erstelle stürzt PL nicht ab. Da hat sich irgendwas eingeschlichen bei mir.
Falls gewünscht könnte ich den zur Insel schicken.
PhotoLine 21 & Betas, Win-10 Pro 64-bit, ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2018, Dxo Optics Pro 9, Panasonic DMC-G6
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by Gerhard Huber »

ellhel wrote:Wenn ich den "Usersettings" Ordner neu erstelle stürzt PL nicht ab. Da hat sich irgendwas eingeschlichen bei mir.
Falls gewünscht könnte ich den zur Insel schicken.
ja bitte.

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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by bkh »

Herbert123 wrote:1) in the color editor (rgb), when I use the tab key to go to the next entry field, the number is not selected, which does not work like other entry fields. I expect the value in an entry field to be pre-selected when I tab between entry fields?
On OS X, this works as expected, so maybe a bug in the Win version.
Herbert123 wrote:2) copying a virtual layer or a group with a virtual layer with sub-adjustment layers attached results in a copy of that virtual layer without the adjusment layers.
Same here — imo, a virtual copy should behave like an ordinary layer here. As a workaround, you can use "Duplicate Layer" (or the corresponding x2 button at the lower left of the layer panel).


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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by toyotadesigner »

Könnte man bitte diesen Blödsinn im Beta-Forum unterlassen.
Dann hättest Du als gutes Vorbild den absolut überflüssigen Hinweis auf Deinen Urlaubsort weglassen sollen.

Werden wir hier also typisch steif-teutonisch-preussisch, um zu zeigen, dass wir alle ohne Humor sind.
Das Schöne an Einweg-Kameras ist, dass ich mir die Modellbezeichnungen nicht merken muss.
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by Herbert123 »

Quick request: virtual copies of a channel in the layer stack would be very handy. I often work with the different channels, and the channel copy function is indeed very handy - however, it would save space and also save time if a virtual copy option would be available as well:

<ctrl>-click on the "channel to layer" button could create a virtual copy of the selected channel.

This would save memory, but more importantly, when we change that layer's content, the virtual copy of that channel would also update automatically - identical workflow as virtual layers, but extended to "virtualize" specific channels of layers.

As an alternative (superior!) solution, the layer attributes could include an option to display and use only a selected (or even better: any combination of) channel(s) of that layer. This would be even better: create a virtual copy of a layer, then select which channels you wish to display for that virtual copy (would also work with regular layers).

Can you image being able to mix and match layers with different image modes and different active channels? :-P This would tie right in with PL's unique image mode per layer function. Here's a visual mockup of my proposal:
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by bkh »

Herbert123 wrote:Quick request: virtual copies of a channel in the layer stack would be very handy. I often work with the different channels, and the channel copy function is indeed very handy - however, it would save space and also save time if a virtual copy option would be available as well:
Wny don't you just make a virtual copy of the image and use a channel mixer adjustment layer to extract the channel(s) you need? (You can also easily get the L, I, or V channels via a curves adjustment panel.)

Sometimes it would be handy to be able to do some more (like virtually extracting the hue, saturation, a or b channels), but probably this could be done most easily by extending the channel mixer to work in HIS/HSV/Lab as well.


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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by Herbert123 »

True, that's another approach. I still think it would be a neat option to have those channel checkboxes in the layer attributes.

And yes, I would welcome support for the other modes in the channel mixer as well. Btw, the channel mixer already works in lab/cmyk/etc if dropped on a layer in the respective image mode.
bkh wrote:
Herbert123 wrote:Quick request: virtual copies of a channel in the layer stack would be very handy. I often work with the different channels, and the channel copy function is indeed very handy - however, it would save space and also save time if a virtual copy option would be available as well:
Wny don't you just make a virtual copy of the image and use a channel mixer adjustment layer to extract the channel(s) you need? (You can also easily get the L, I, or V channels via a curves adjustment panel.)

Sometimes it would be handy to be able to do some more (like virtually extracting the hue, saturation, a or b channels), but probably this could be done most easily by extending the channel mixer to work in HIS/HSV/Lab as well.


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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by Hoogo »

I'm not sure if the usual channel mixer would make any sense in color spaces that don't depend on vectors.

I see this tool in a very mathematical way:

All the values of the channel mixer are a matrix, and after all that multiplying the channel mixer created a new coordinate system within the Cartesian color spaces RGB or Lab. But the color space, the way all possible colors are ordered within that ...well... cube, is still the same.

Or a different point of view: The output of the channel mixer is the distance to a plane within the color space.

HIS/HSV are also coordinate systems within RGB. But multiplying with an angle sounds odd to me. And saturation is already the distance to a straight line, putting it back into the matrix sounds odd, too.

Maybe "change channels" as a working layer would make more sense?
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b1

Post by ellhel »

Werden wir hier also typisch steif-teutonisch-preussisch, um zu zeigen, dass wir alle ohne Humor sind.
Bitte nicht......
PhotoLine 21 & Betas, Win-10 Pro 64-bit, ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2018, Dxo Optics Pro 9, Panasonic DMC-G6
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