maxwell wrote:You can assign a spot color to a grayscale image, if the document (attributes, document mode) has a CMYK profile. The grayscale layer should then have a color option to which you have to assign the spot color (don't forget transparency)...
Ich erinnere mich, hab ich damals schon bei der Einführung ewig gesucht. Hat aber glaub ich nichts mit CMYK zu tun, klappt bei mir auch einfach so.
maxwell wrote:unter Ansicht -> Listen.
Das fand ich wirklich schwer zu finden... "Dokument" erscheint ja bereits als Reiter in den normalen Farbfeldern, aber es war leer und von dort aus nicht zu füllen. Ich finde, die Buttons Plus und Minus gehören dort auch hinein.
Herbert123 wrote:The name "Document Color" in English is a bit unfortunate: generally they are known as "swatches" in design applications. Changing the name to "Swatch" would also be less confusing when both the "Documents" and "Document" ("Document Color" is shortened to "Document") panels are open. And users accustomed to "industry standard" applications would be less confused as well.
That's a totally new topic to me, so I should better shut up here... but I can't

Swatch was building watches in the 80's. I'm fine with the name "document color", but if "swatch" is kind of standard, then I better get used to it right from the start.
Herbert123 wrote:PL, like other applications, also allows for tints based on a swatch colour.
Can you explain? I was in the swatch list, added a new color, a tint, and derived it from another swatch color. It worked, but changing the other swatch colordid not change the one with added tint. I wonder if "harmony" could work like that, too?