What can I do when I have scanning problems?

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Gerhard Huber
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Joined: Mon 18 Nov 2002 15:30
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What can I do when I have scanning problems?

Post by Gerhard Huber »

Unfortunately there are still scanner drivers, which only incompletely
implement the Twain-interface. Therefore you can manually choose, how to
transfer data from the scanner to the computer. The command is found under
"Options/Extended/Periphery". Try the possible transfer modes. Usually one
leads to the right result.
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Gerhard Huber
Posts: 4190
Joined: Mon 18 Nov 2002 15:30
Location: Bad Gögging

Re: What can I do when I have scanning problems?

Post by Gerhard Huber »

Since PhotoLine is available as 64 bit application also, there is a new possible problem with scanners.
It's not possible to use 32 bit scanner drivers with a 64 bit application.

So you have some ways to work with your scanner:
  • try to get a 64 bit version of your scanner driver
  • on windows you can use "File/Import/From Scanner or Camera" to scan
  • on Mac OS X you can use the build in scanner interface at "File/Import/Image Capture"
  • make PhotoLine to work in old 32 bit mode
    • On Windows, just start the 32 Bit version of PhotoLine, you can find it in the "Start"-Menu
    • On Mac OS select the bundle of PhotoLine in Finder, press Cmd-I and setup 32 bit mode