Neue Testversion 18.90b7

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Martin Huber
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Re: Bug: Unable to modify rectangular lasso

Post by Martin Huber »

Hoogo wrote:
photoken wrote:
bkh wrote:However, unlike Hoogo, I haven't been able to find the hot spots elsewhere.
Same here -- no "hot spots" anywhere. :(
My picture was small, 1000*600, viewed at 100%. With a deeper zoom the problem was gone.
3000*1800, viewed at 24%, had hotspots, but they were even more far away.
Lasso transformation/moving doesn't work in the current beta. It may work (though maybe not flawlessly), if there is no edge around the document content.

We will fix that.

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Re: Req: Option to disable selected layer colour

Post by Herbert123 »

photoken wrote:
BTW, you earlier wrote:
Herbert123 wrote: Vector masking is very pleasant now: the preview works great.
I don't notice any difference when using a vector object as a clipping mask.... What am I missing?
I almost always open two views when I mask an object: the view I work in I zoom in and out for details and adjustments, while the other view I leave at 100% or 50% or lower depending on the size of the image. Prior to this version, when I worked on a vector mask, the handles, outline, and anchor points remained visible in the second "preview" view, which made it almost impossible to check the mask while working on the details. I had to switch back and forth between the layer tool and the vector tool to see what the mask looked like. It broke the workflow.

That is no longer required :-) Works like a charm now.

ps with bitmap masks this is not an issue: the mask can also be shown for one view only.
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Re: Neue Testversion 18.90b7

Post by bkh »

In Anbetracht von sollte der Kopierpinsel auch gespiegelt kopieren können? Evtl. bei Platzmangel einfach als negative Skalierung?


Martin Huber
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Re: Neue Testversion 18.90b7

Post by Martin Huber »

bkh wrote:In Anbetracht von sollte der Kopierpinsel auch gespiegelt kopieren können? Evtl. bei Platzmangel einfach als negative Skalierung?
Ja. Das habe ich bei mir schon testweise reingesetzt.

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Re: Neue Testversion 18.90b7

Post by JulianZI »

Sehr coole Erweiterungen!

Wollt Ihr evtl das bekannte LR Plugin mit installieren? Da ja MAC Kommandozeilen funktionieren ware das vielleicht recht interessant.

Einen neuen Bug gibts: DinA4 Dokument, Bild reinschieben, Lasso auf der Bildebene aufziehen - wird falsch skaliert und positioniert..
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Layer blend mode listed!

Post by photoken »


I just noticed that the blend mode of the layer is listed next to the layer type in the Layer panel:
layer mode.png
In this example (attempting to remove lens flares), I created a layer from the Red channel and set the blend mode of the new layer to "Luminance". The layer listing now shows all the relevant info, including the blend mode.

This is great!

Sure enough, the layer opacity is also listed:
layer mode 02.png
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Yes, I think it can be eeeeeasily done....
Just take everything out on Highway 61.
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Re: Neue Testversion 18.90b7

Post by ellhel »

I just noticed that the blend mode of the layer is listed next to the layer type in the Layer panel:
Bei mir ist das nicht so. Alles wie bisher :?

Liebe Grüße
PhotoLine 21 & Betas, Win-10 Pro 64-bit, ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2018, Dxo Optics Pro 9, Panasonic DMC-G6
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Re: Neue Testversion 18.90b7

Post by photoken »

Hello, Helmut!
ellhel wrote:Hallo,
I just noticed that the blend mode of the layer is listed next to the layer type in the Layer panel:
Bei mir ist das nicht so. Alles wie bisher :?
This is the second item not working in your installation. Have you considered uninstalling, rebooting, and re-installing? Just a suggestion.... :wink:
Yes, I think it can be eeeeeasily done....
Just take everything out on Highway 61.
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Re: Neue Testversion 18.90b7

Post by Gerhard Huber »

photoken wrote:
ellhel wrote:
I just noticed that the blend mode of the layer is listed next to the layer type in the Layer panel:
Bei mir ist das nicht so. Alles wie bisher :?
This is the second item not working in your installation. Have you considered uninstalling, rebooting, and re-installing? Just a suggestion.... :wink:
Ich habe da auch langsam den Verdacht, dass du nicht die B7 testest :lol:

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Bug: Unable to select point for Curves and Hue Editor

Post by photoken »

Win7 x64 SP1
PL 18.90b7 x64

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Open a JPG image.
  2. Add a Curves adjustment layer (or a Hue Editor layer).
  3. Choose "HSV" mode.
  4. Activate the eyedropper.
  5. Move the cursor to the main editing window.
The point beneath the cursor in the main editing window does not appear on the graph of the adjustment dialog.

Expected result:
As in PL 18.53 x64, the point selected in the main editing window should appear (and be created) on the graph in the adjustment dialog.
Yes, I think it can be eeeeeasily done....
Just take everything out on Highway 61.
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Gerhard Huber
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Re: Bug: Unable to select point for Curves and Hue Editor

Post by Gerhard Huber »

It's a bug in Beta 7, we will fix this.

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Re: Neue Testversion 18.90b7

Post by ellhel »

Verdammt.....Schande über mich. Ich hatte die B6 noch im Download-Ordner.
Habe da ja tatsächlich die B6 nochmal installiert....

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
PhotoLine 21 & Betas, Win-10 Pro 64-bit, ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2018, Dxo Optics Pro 9, Panasonic DMC-G6
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Re: Neue Testversion 18.90b7

Post by Herbert123 »

I might have stumbled upon a strange bug. I have experienced this behaviour in two files so far.

Please open this layout in Photoline, and select the 101824171 image layer. Then try to drag a selection (lasso) from the top left corner to the bottom right corner. Release the mouse button.

When I try this, the selection/lasso jumps to the right and bottom, and scales up. I can then no longer select the handles of the lasso. It seems to occur with image layers.

Can anyone confirm this behaviour?
System: Win10 64bit - i7 920@3.6Ghz, p6t Deluxe v1, 48gb (6x8gb RipjawsX), Nvidia GTX1080 8GB, Revodrive X2 240gb, e-mu 1820, 2XSamsung SA850 (2560*1440) and 1XHP2408H 1920*1200 portrait
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Re: Neue Testversion 18.90b7

Post by Christopher »

photoken wrote: von photoken » Do 15 Jan 2015 08:05
Whoo! Hooo!

I just noticed that the color picker no longer uses a transparent display of the colour:
color picker.jpg
Now we can see an accurate sample of the colour! Great! Thanks! :D

do you have the rights to this image, if not it should be will be removed, which can be quite expensive.
hast du das Recht an diesem Bild, wenn nicht sollte es entfern werden, das kann recht teuer werden.
Gruss Christopher

IMatch zur Bilderverwaltung, Capture One und DxO PhotoLab
als RAW-Converter und PhotoLine (x64) zur Bildbearbeitung.
Es geht auch sehr gut ohne Abobe Produkte und Adobe's Abomodell.
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Re: Neue Testversion 18.90b7

Post by bkh »

Herbert123 wrote:Can anyone confirm this behaviour?
Same problem here. Might be related to the second bug I reported a few posts earlier, and possibly with the "Can't use the lasso handles" bug which Martin already promised to fix.

