I agree wholeheartedly! BUT PLEASE NO GRADIENT MESHES! The gradient mesh tool in Illustrator is an abomination. That approach is hardly artist-friendly, and it was, I feel, originally designed with more simplistic drawings in mind. I suppose gradient meshes can be powerful, but if it is implemented, the GUI should be completely redesigned.photoken wrote: PhotoLine needs to first implement the one feature it lacks (compared to the competition): the ability to create complex, non-symmetrical vector shading. Then we would finally be able to do complete illustrations exclusively as vector graphics. The ideal way to implement this would be with Diffusion Curves, but implementing "gradient meshes" would be a decent enough alternative.
And as an alternative approach, I would ask the Hubers to check out diffusion curves instead:
http://maverick.inria.fr/Publications/2 ... /index.php
Implementing diffusion curves would also be very beneficial for bitmap to vector conversions.