OK, thanks. Page 10000..., never thought of that.
- Paul
Neue Testversion 20.90b6
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Re: Neue Testversion 20.90b6
Zur Info: Nach Rücksetzen der Dialoge (zufällig entdeckt!), funktioniert nun Lensfun auch auf meinem ASUS Transformer Book? Schön, aber unverständlich?
LG Josef
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Re: Neue Testversion 20.90b6
I checked the file.
Most of the time is spent decompressing the images. Unfortunately, this is done over and over again.
I have made a change. The initial creation of the thumbnails will still be slow, but after that it will be much faster.
However, I couldn't reproduce the problem that thumbails were needlessly recreated after a page was deleted or inserted.
- Betatester
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Re: Neue Testversion 20.90b6
Yesterday I had the problem that a layer did not snap at guidelines.
I couldn't reproduce it, but my last action was that I created a lasso and cropped.
I've seen that an active lasso is used to snap.
I couldn't reproduce it, but my last action was that I created a lasso and cropped.
I've seen that an active lasso is used to snap.
Herr Doktor, ich bin mir ganz sicher, ich habe Atom! /Doctor, doctor, I'm sure, I've got atoms!
Herr Doktor, ich bin mir ganz sicher, ich habe Atom! /Doctor, doctor, I'm sure, I've got atoms!
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Re: Neue Testversion 20.90b6
You are seeing sub-pixel precision here. The problem (one might see this as feature) can be solved by aligning the source position to the pixel grid. If there is common consensus that this is the right thing to do, I will change that.Herbert123 wrote: ↑Fri 16 Feb 2018 21:37 Bug Copy Brush:
1) draw a 1pixel stroke rectangle, no fill. Align it to the pixel grid (pixel snapping)
2) create a new bitmap layer.
3) turn on pixel mode
4) in the new layer, clone parts of the rectangle.
Result: the copy looks nothing like the original. At times cloning the same part by drawing up and down the result keeps changing. The position of the vector rectangle influences the result of the copy brush too.
Expected: the result ought to be the same as the pixel view version.
Pixel Mode is still turned on? If so, this is a fundamental problem. In Pixel Mode it is impossible to precisely redraw only a part of the document, if the zoom factor is odd (any zoom other than 1:x or x:1 with x being a natural number). There may always be a difference of up to one pixel.Herbert123 wrote: ↑Fri 16 Feb 2018 21:37Second Copy Brush bug:
1) draw a circle or star.
2) turn off anti-aliasing for the shape in the Layer panel (Anti-alias: Never)
3) create a new RGB bitmap layer, and zoom in 400 or 500%
4) switch to the copy brush and hover over the shape(s): the shape's edges 'melt'. Zooming in and out refreshes the screen and fixes this.
Expected behaviour: hovering with the copy brush over non-antialiased vector shapes should keep the view pixel precise, and not "melt" the pixels.
The only solution is to redraw the whole window on every change, which would be a significant loss of performance.
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Re: Neue Testversion 20.90b6
Was verstehst du unter "Rücksetzen der Dialoge"? "Ansicht >Dialoganordnung > Dialoganordnung zurücksetzen"?
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Re: Neue Testversion 20.90b6
Genau, habe die Anordnung der Dialoge via "Ansicht -> Dialoganordnung -> Dialoganordnung zurücksetzen" zurückgesetzt. Nach Rücksetzung ist Lensfun nutzbar.
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Re: Neue Testversion 20.90b6
Ein solcher Zusammenhang kommt mir ebenfalls als "unverständlich" vor. Tatsache ist allerdings, dass nach Zurücksetzen der Dialoganordnung der Karteireiter "Lensfun" unter "Photo entzerren" nun vorhanden ist. Die korrekte Zuordnung der genutzten Kamera und des genutzten Objektivs funktioniert nicht imer korrekt, dies liegt aber vermutlich an "Lensfun" und muss daher von Hand korrigiert werden.