Controls, Windows: Possible leftovers with scalable dialogs fixed
Toolbar: When scaling then toolbar, paint and brushes could disappear
Document Attributes, size: When changing to/from pixels, the text fields are enabled/disabled so that it is immediately clear that they are (not) editable.
Text input: If a character was entered that was not present in the current font, it was permanently switched to another font.
Browse/Show Image: When exiting, the last displayed image is selected in the browser
Free Lasso tool: Backspace/Delete to delete the last input did not work
Free Lasso tool: Temporary lasso dashed again
Virtual copies, copy/paste: Virtual copies were replaced by their original data
RTF import: Problem solved
Color filter, adjustment layer, Fix Layer: Color filter was not converted to layer mask
Color fields, layers with different color profiles: Adjustment to new color profile was often only done after clicking on it
Browse/Show Image, macOS 10.13: Switching to the next/previous file with the mouse wheel of the Magic Mouse or the trackpad did not work correctly
Non-modal color editor: Clicking on the palette field below the editor did not respect the selected color
Non-modal color editor, pop-up dialog: In the pop-up version of the non-modal color editor, both colors were visible instead of just the popped-up color.
PDF-Export: Rare crash on image export fixed
Action with pause, accessed via shortcuts: If the Actions dialog was not visible and an action with pause was called, the pause message was not visible
Image Undo: Image Undos were sometimes incorrectly combined
Distort With Arrow, macOS: Reset button did not work
Text layers, paragraph settings: Had two double arrows
White Point, adjustment layers, dialog: Gamma slider did not work
Screen output, macOS: Documents with the screen profile were not output correctly in pixel mode with a zoom above 100%.
Text formatting: Distance before and after paragraph can be negative
Text layers, flow around shape: In groups, moving child layers did not recalculate the flow
Projects plug-ins: Solved problem on Windows
PCX import: Possible crash with corrupt files fixed
TIFF import: Possible crash with corrupt files fixed
PSD import: Possible crash with corrupt files fixed
Copy/paste groups of virtual copies: Sometimes didn't work properly
Save As, Windows: No save dialog appeared for files whose name contained only a file extension