Neue Testversion 22.90b5

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Gerhard Huber
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Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by Gerhard Huber »


es gibt wieder eine neue Testversion 22.90b5.



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Re: Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by der_fotograf »

Das Modul der Lens Correction / Objektivkorrektur funktioniert jetzt super.

Der Cursor für die Color Position ist jetzt auch besser in unruhigen Details zu erkennen.

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Re: Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by shijan »

Here is a little bug i noticed long time ago:
- Create Rounded rectangle
- Set rounded corners to Relative mode
- Change rectangle size with mouse drag
- Undo
Problem: Rounded corners became distorted after Undo. But if i change corner radius value, corners became normal again.
No problem after Undo if i change rectangle size with Size or Scaling numbers in Layer Attributes.
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Re: Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by shijan »

Here is also a strange thing that was discussed earlier in some threads - radius in Rounded Rectangle is not a real radius, but looks like some sort of strange curve. Here is example. 200px Circle aligned with Rounded rectangle 100px rounded corner. Current rounded corners just look wrong.
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Re: Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by maxwell »

Die Panoramafunktion ist weiter verbessert worden. Werden Ebenen erzeugt, so sind diese jetzt richtig ausgerichtet. Wurde die Belichtung beim Fotografieren nicht beibehalten (gleiche Blende und gleiche Zeit bei allen Bildern), so wird die Belichtung bei Auswahl "Gesamtbild erzeugen" angepasst. Bei der Auswahl "Ebenen erzeugen" im Panorama Filter erfolgt kein Belichtungsausgleich. Dieses Verhalten ist nach meinem Verständnis korrekt und sollte so beibehalten werden. Erzeugt man aus denerzeugten Ebenen anschließend wieder über "Gesamtbild erzeugen" (d.h. erneutes Anwenden der Panoramafunktion auf die erzeugten Ebenen) ein Panorama, so zeigen sich im Panorama weiße Flecken. Bei Anwendung des Filters sollten hier die generierten Panoramabilder aus den Ursprungsbildern und aus den erzeugten Ebenen übereinstimmen.

Super finde ich, dass Photoline nun zusätzliche Möglichkeiten bietet, pdf-Dateien entspechend pdf/x4 und pdf/A zu exportieren. Bis jetzt musste ich hierzu andere App's nutzen.
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Re: Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by shijan »

I installed PhotoLine demo on Windows just to see how it looks there, and see some interesting things:
- Icons in menus on Windows are smaller than on macOS (14px instead of original 15px) and looks really bad.

- There are two status bars on Windows. One is global bottom status bar that is possible to show/hide in view options, and another status bar for each document window that is always visible in fullscreen mode and impossible to hide at all. By the way, my request for Auto hide bottom status bar at Fullscreen mode described here ... 446#p47949 was about that window status bar.

- Fullscreen mode on Windows is even worse than on macOS. Top menubar and bottom window status bar are always visible in Fullscreen. PhotoLine needs some additional real Fullscreen mode that will just show image on grey background. This is essential option for any image editor or image viewer.
Last edited by shijan on Fri 26 Feb 2021 20:05, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by shijan »

Icons in panels bottom bars on Windows are not so bad as menu icons, but they also looks slightly smaller and less pixel perfect than on macOS.

Same time icons size in Toolbox on Windows is same size as on macOS (15px) and looks nice and clean.
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Re: Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by shijan »

Also it looks like something wrong with cursors appearance on Windows. On Windows they look slightly blurry and less pixel perfect than on macOS. Please check if possible.
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Re: Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by shijan »

Is it possible somehow make slightly larger active area for triangle handles (used in Levels, Optimize HDR)? Currently they generate blinking effect when cursor located around them.

And these rectangle handles seems also produce some blinking effect, but less than triangle handles.
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Re: Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by shijan »

Also seems there is no cursor blinking in Threshold filter UI. So seems problem somehow special to Levels and Optimize HDR.

Also in "Color to Transparency" filetr cursor blinks when appears between these active areas:
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Re: Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by shijan »

And also i see cursor blinking problem here in all filters:
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Re: Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by shijan »

shijan wrote: Sat 27 Feb 2021 12:54 Also it looks like something wrong with cursors appearance on Windows. On Windows they look slightly blurry and less pixel perfect than on macOS. Please check if possible.
Seems problem not in pixel alignment here. Windows just "see" cursors transparency in different way than macOS. On macOS white outlines with 90% opacity looks rather bright, but on Windows same outline became way darker.

Using solid white color for outline is not a real fix for this problem, because there are still some transparent pixels exists that looks ugly on Windows:
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Martin Huber
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Re: Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by Martin Huber »

shijan wrote: Here is also a strange thing that was discussed earlier in some threads - radius in Rounded Rectangle is not a real radius, but looks like some sort of strange curve. Here is example. 200px Circle aligned with Rounded rectangle 100px rounded corner. Current rounded corners just look wrong.
shijan wrote: Here is a little bug i noticed long time ago:
- Create Rounded rectangle
- Set rounded corners to Relative mode
- Change rectangle size with mouse drag
- Undo
Problem: Rounded corners became distorted after Undo. But if i change corner radius value, corners became normal again.
shijan wrote:Is it possible somehow make slightly larger active area for triangle handles (used in Levels, Optimize HDR)? Currently they generate blinking effect when cursor located around them.
shijan wrote:And also i see cursor blinking problem here in all filters:
I will fix that.

Martin Huber
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Re: Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by Martin Huber »

shijan wrote:- Icons in menus on Windows are smaller than on macOS (14px instead of original 15px) and looks really bad.
There isn't a fix icon size on Windows. The size depends on the screen dpi and the menu font, so chances are very high that they are not pixel perfect.
shijan wrote:Icons in panels bottom bars on Windows are not so bad as menu icons, but they also looks slightly smaller and less pixel perfect than on macOS.
The size depends on the screen dpi and the dialog font.
shijan wrote: Sat 27 Feb 2021 12:54 Also it looks like something wrong with cursors appearance on Windows. On Windows they look slightly blurry and less pixel perfect than on macOS.
That's the same.

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Re: Neue Testversion 22.90b5

Post by derpeter »

+ PL abgestürzt +


habe mal die Testversion der Beta (22.90b5) ausprobiert.
Erst ein Foto geöffnet - dann Neue Arbeitsebene "Schwellenwert" angelegt - dann Strg gedrückt und in den Kanälen auf Spezialkanal geklickt.
Daraufhin kam die Absturzmeldung. Bei PL 22.51 passiert das auch so.

Mein System: Win 10 Pro
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