Neue Testversion 24.40b19

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Gerhard Huber
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Neue Testversion 24.40b19

Post by Gerhard Huber »


es gibt wieder eine neue Testversion 24.40b19.



  • Seitenliste: Testweise im Matrixmodus mit einzeiligem Text, mit zweizeiligem Text ist der Name editierbar
  • Neue Seite erzeugt eine neue Seite hinter der aktiven Seite, wenn Control gedrückt ist
  • Malen, Animieren-Dialog mit Dokumentvorschau: Während des Malens bleibt die Dokumentvorschau aktiv
  • Ebenenliste, Suchen: Hat nun eigene Funktion und optional eigenes Tastenkürzel
  • Ebenenliste, Suchen: Ist der Eingabefokus auf der Ebenenliste, ruft Strg+F/Befehl+F weiterhin das Suchen der Ebenenliste auf.
  • Diverse Fehlerbehebungen und kleinere Verbesserungen
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Re: Neue Testversion 24.40b19

Post by Herbert123 »

Thanks once more for the improvements!

The pages panel changes work great in my opinion. And the quick add page option speeds up that small task, and is appreciated :D

PhotoLine's pages are now just screaming out loud for a master page option of some kind... :wink:

And somehow I had hoped for a first version of a layer linking option.

Ah well. We will see - hopefully in the near future?
System: Win10 64bit - i7 920@3.6Ghz, p6t Deluxe v1, 48gb (6x8gb RipjawsX), Nvidia GTX1080 8GB, Revodrive X2 240gb, e-mu 1820, 2XSamsung SA850 (2560*1440) and 1XHP2408H 1920*1200 portrait
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Re: Neue Testversion 24.40b19

Post by shijan »

Some other problems fixed in 24.40b19 added to Large List of Bugfixes 2019-2024:
  • Request/Idea: click on Page name in Pages List to rename it.
  • Pages thumbnails size checkbox disappears when switch between List/Grid.
  • Pages List and Grid view don't remember separately its own thumbnail size setting.
  • Curves adjustment panel UI bug in Windows version.
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Re: Neue Testversion 24.40b19

Post by shijan »

I still believe that toggle logic for Brush Preview and Brush Outline overlays could be improved or changed, but i don't know how exactly.

Currently the only usable setting for all brush tools is to enable "Outline: Both" and "Painting Tools with Preview". In this scenario i can see both Preview and Outline in Brush, Pencil, Copy Brush and outline in Remove Brush, Finger Brush. Caps Lock could be used to turn off outline during painting with normal brushes. This feels OK in most situations.

Caps Lock was perfect to simply turn on/off brush outline, but it not too perfect with new additional brush Preview mode and creates some limitations. Here are problematic situations:

Outline On / Preview On = can't use outline only mode in Brush, Pencil.
Outline On / Preview Off = can't use Copy Brush because can't enable preview.
Outline Off / Preview On = can't use Remove Brush, Finger Brush until press Caps Lock

PhotoLine really needs quick independent toolbar toggles and hotkeys for Outline/Preview overlays (or for Outline/Center/Preview).
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