- Painting tools: Preview in the document window
- Image Toolbox: The symbol field with “Show mask” etc. can be customized.
- EXR, Cryptomatte: Masks can be generated from the Cryptomatte data (via document attributes).
- List fields: Various lists (color and shape lists, brush and curve list) now with groups
- AVIF export, macOS: AVIF export now also possible under macOS
- Raw import, CR3: EXIF data is read better.
- PDF import: Various optimizations for documents with many layers.
- PNG import: Defective PNG files are read better.
- PSD import: Now also reads 16/32-bit brushes.
- PSD import: Handling of additional channels (extra channels) improved.
- Batch Converting: With “Keep File Date”.
- Browse, file imports: New work mostly in the background.
- Browse, Properties: Shows the name of the color profile of the selected file.
- Scripting: Layer Compositions
- Scripts menu, Windows: PowerShell scripts (ps1) are now also executed.
- Scripting, Windows: For PowerShell the reading of LONGs in SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) extended.
- Scripting, Windows: Is now always registered for the current user when the program is started.
- Scripting: On Windows there is now the command “Alert”, on macOS “alert” to display warnings/error messages.
- Curve Creation tool: Paths are no longer closed automatically.
- Curve Creation tool: Shows the curve shape for new point.
- Curve Creation tool: Right mouse button starts new vector layer.
- Edit > Paste: If the text is a Base64 image, an image is read.
- Edit > Paste, document mode: In document mode, “Edit > Paste” optionally no longer retains the physical size of a layer from another document.
- Layer styles, Outline Inside/Outside, Glow Inside/Outside: Now optionally bend the gradient around the layer.
- Gradient editor (not in document window): Position is optionally aligned to “even” values with Alt.
- Gradient editor: Function for evenly distributing the positions
- Color gradient tool: Can now also re-edit transparent gradients.
- Middle mouse button, controls: Now opens/closes groups.
- Middle mouse button: Can now scroll in all controls.
- Layer list, Find: Now has its own optional keyboard shortcut.
- Layer list, Find: If the input focus is on the layer list, Ctrl+F/Command+F still calls up the search of the layer list.
- Layer list, Find: linecolor and fillcolor are more flexible.
- Layer list, Find: opacity, lineopacity and fillopacity
- Layer list: If the input focus is on the layer list, Del deletes the selected layers.
- Layer list, path text, vector layer: The vector layer that specifies the path of the path text can be dragged onto the text in the layer list.
- Layout > Page > Save Page(s):Can now also handle formats other than PLD.
- Page List > New Page: Creates a new page behind the active page when Control is pressed.
- Page List: In matrix mode with single-line text
- Guides: When creating/changing guides, these are optionally aligned with the lasso.
- Text tool, text ruler, double-click on indent or tab: The corresponding field is activated in the tool settings.
- Text layers, selections, Windows: Paragraph-by-paragraph cursor control with Ctrl arrow up/down
- Text layers, Schriftauswahl: Lists the font styles.
- Text layers, Schriftauswahl: Fonts without Postscript names now also work (still not possible under macOS due to the OS).
- Text layers: triple-click for paragraph selection
- Text shortcuts: Improved behavior
- Path effects: Visibility is saved.
- Color editor, non-modal: Now with alpha controller
- Layout > Vector > Optimize Vector Layer: Can now show and hide handles (via “View > Show Layer Handles”).
- Curve editor: Shift+text input allows formula input (e.g. “x^2” or “sqrt(x)”).
- Curve editor: Shift+Alt+Mouse or Ctrl+/Command+Mouse moves points horizontally, in addition to the previous Shift (vertical) and Alt (align to grid points) modes.
- Curves: If the mode is changed with Shift, the mode of all curves is adjusted.
- Convert Layer Type: Now saves the setting for each target type.
- Hue/Saturation: Displays the color under the mouse in area bars.
- Hue/Saturation, Colorize: Operates at higher bit depths with greater precision.
- Hue Editor: Curve editor gets the focus when a point is created by clicking in the document.
- Hue Editor: A point created by clicking in the document can be changed directly - as with Curves.
- External Programs: With “Layer”, layer masks are retained.
- External Programs: With “Layer”, only the selection is replaced if necessary.
- Windows and long filenames: Long file names via drag & drop are read better.
- Clipart List: Can load SVG and PLD
- Settings, Windows: Are now also read from <AllUsers>/PhotoLine.
- Picture Info: Now with list mode
- Painting tools, Caps Lock: Brush immediately adjusts to the CapsLock status when pressed.
- Dockable panels, outside the screen: Dockable dialogs outside the screen are now positioned completely on the next screen.
- Dockable panels: Optionally without closing button (can still be closed via the window menu).
- Dockable panels: With “Close” and “Close all” to close only the active tab or all dialogs.
- Dockable panels, context menu: “Close all” now also closes minimized dialogs.
- Painting, "View > Panels > Animate" with document preview: The document preview remains active during painting.
- XMP and EXIF, GPS: Even if only rudimentary EXIF data is available, the GPS data is now transferred to XMP.
- PDF export: Variable OpenType fonts are exported as an outline.
- JPEG XL export: Lossfree was not yet adapted to new scheme.
- WMF export: Sets clipping, no longer uses BeginPath/EndPath.
- WMF import: Responds more flexibly to unexpected data.
- PLD export: Simple images with own profile in document mode had wrong preview.
- Create Vector Outline: Could create incorrect outline.
- Web Export, 1 bit image with adjustment layers: The result looked different from the document.
- Browse: Copy/paste of files did not work properly in certain situations.
- Browse, PLD: PLD now also shows whether a color profile is present.
- Browse, preview saved in settings folder: If there was already a browse file in the image directory, this was always used, even if there was a newer one in the settings directory.
- Browse, preview saved in settings folder, macOS: The volume name was not identified correctly.
- (Simple) Browse, Recent Files: Double-click to open could result in a double selection.
- (Simple) Browse, Recent Files: Double-click to open did not always sort the document to the front.
- (Simple) Browse, Recent Files: Saved images have not been updated.
- Focus Stacking and Stitch: Different source profiles are now supported.
- Focus Stacking and Stitch: Images are rotated according to the EXIF data.
- Stitch, macOS: If an error occurred during panorama generation, a crash could occur.
- Stitch: Images are now converted to RGB if required.
- Color Panel, Gradients, Reverse Gradient: HIS gradients were not mirrored correctly.
- Text layer, element anchor, insert: If a trimmed layer was inserted as an element anchor, the invisible parts were also used for the size calculation.
- Lasso tools, Tool Settings, "Enhance Edge": Double arrow of the text field did not work.
- Lasso tools, Crop: Image lost color marker in layer list.
- Levels: If the source was switched via the context menu, this was not displayed in the dialog.
- Text layers, text input: Function keys inserted characters.
- Curves: Setting the white/black/grey point changed the curve mode.
- Create HDR Image: Ignored the source profiles.
- Hue curves: If all points were moved with the keyboard and there was a point on both the left and right edge, the edge points were moved twice.
- Curves: After inserting a point by clicking in the document, this point is selected.
- Edit > Copy: Copying a layer deleted the undo steps behind the current.
- Adjustment panel, Curves, white point: If the color picker in the title bar was deactivated after activating the white point color picker, the white point remains active.
- Airbrush, smoothing mouse movement: Set unexpected brushstrokes.
- Toolbox, line width, large symbols: The double arrow of the line thickness at the wrong place.
- Auto Mask: “Read Merged” was not used correctly for "Remove Object" after program start.
- Special Emboss: Mit Original coverage < 100%, the light may have been visible in transparent layer areas.
- Windows, options, shortcuts: Keys on the numeric keypad were not recorded correctly.
- Text layers, Tool Settings, frame settings: Undo did not work properly after activating “Dynamic Text Layer”.
- ICC profiles: Profiles without display names now have a default name (prevents multiple reading of profile information).
- PDF export: Lab gradients were exported incorrectly if no explicit target color space (gray, CMYK, PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-4 CMYK) was set.
- Create guides: If the input focus was on the line text field and the dialog was exited with OK, no guides were created.
- Brush field, drop down dialog, Windows: The brush editor was automatically closed after a value change.
- Color list: After clicking on a cell, the following keystrokes (e.g. also Delete) were ignored if the mouse was not moved.
- ColorPerfect plugin: Scaled-down preview is output with smoothing.
- Adaptive Sharper, Windows: If a channel was switched off in the original color model, a crash could occur.
- Brush field, Windows: If the brush list was expanded so that it overlapped the brush field, the preselection was not removed.
- Title bar, document name, Windows: On Windows, the document name was not displayed correctly in the title bar (main window).
- Assigning shortcuts, Windows: With CapsLock, function keys displayed incorrect text.
- Document window, PDF bleed: PDF bleed was displayed incorrectly with rotated print output.
- Measure tool, macOS: With “Length” the value was behind the unit line.
- Layer in group with layer effect outside: Potential redrawing errors when moving/transforming fixed.
- "Remove Object" button, Tool Settings: The button was not always updated correctly for layers with protected content.
- Rotate Layer, image with alpha: potential crash fixed.
- Actions: After deleting an action, it was sometimes not possible to record new actions.
- Program start, saved window positions: Windows that are too large are reduced in size.
- Layer List, Find: If a layer name was searched for, there could be problems with empty layer names.
- Animated PNGs (APNG), export: If the first layer had no alpha, the result could be faulty.
- Brighter/Darker tool: Channels settings were not saved correctly.
- Border Matting tool: If it was not applied to the background layer, the new mask may have been created with an incorrect position.
- Replace Color (and brush): Target color was not applied correctly.
- Paint brush, transparent background, Windows: With an opaque brush and opaque color, it could happen that only a transparency of 254 was created.
- Image tools: Tools without tablet settings (painting matrix) no longer use these when painting.
- Image tools, painting matrix: When adjusting the brush to the painting direction, a crash could occur.
- Scripting, macOS: Documents could not be duplicated.
- Scripting, Windows: Setting of ActiveLayer and ColorProfile changed, because PowerShell cannot assign $null to a property, unless the parameter is defined as VARIANT.
- Adjustment panel, Presets, add: The actions generated were wrong.
- Liquify layer as child of an image: The grid disappeared after a certain time if it was repeatedly redrawn without painting.
- Select Colors: Presets were not handled correctly.
- Drop-down lists, pen, Windows: Selecting another subdialog did not work properly.
- Change Layer Size, Action, Web Export and Batch Converting: Crash fixed.
- Web Export: Removing the input focus from a text field now longer recompresses.