Zunächst entschuldige ich mich für dieses posting in Englisch. Auf der englischen Seite gibt es keine Wunschliste-Forum, also Leute vorgeschlagen, dass es hier zu Posten. Wenn das verboten ist, entschuldige ich mich (Google Translate).
First, I apologize for posting this in English. There is no Wish List forum on the English side so people suggested I post it here. If this is verboten, I apologize.
Things I would like to see added to PhotoLine on the Mac.
1) Scripting plugin to allow users to script functionality that does not currently exist (this is separate from creating actions).
2) An extra command "Save All As" which would allow the user to specify how and where to save all currently open files so it would not be necessary to individually save each file. there is already a Save All but this would save all open files with a single dialog box instead of one for each file. People who have used Image Processor Pro in Photoshop or Elements will know what I am referring to. The current Save All brings up dialog boxes or queries for every open file.