I know that some time ago points in vector tools where changed to round shape instead of square. Round points look really nice.
So maybe it is logical to change points in Curves tool to same friendly round look?
Something like this or this:
Highlighted Text effect in Text Tool Settings (auto generated rectangular solid background under the text). Adjustable rectangle color. Adjustable rectangle size (distance from text edges)
We will add an option to remove the selection fields at "Options > Working > Special"
Selecting layers in the layer list works logical.
You can select layer with Shift (areas) or Ctrl (Cmd - macOS).
If you have selected several layers and click on one of them, you will change the active layer. This is useful since there are functions that need several layers and the result depends on the active layer.
If you want to remove the whole selection, press Ctrl-D (Cmd-D macOS).
If you want to remove the selection from single layers, use Shift and Ctrl (Cmd macOS) like you did when selecting the layers.
We will add an option to remove the selection fields at "Options > Working > Special"
Selecting layers in the layer list works logical.
You can select layer with Shift (areas) or Ctrl (Cmd - macOS).
If you have selected several layers and click on one of them, you will change the active layer. This is useful since there are functions that need several layers and the result depends on the active layer.
If you want to remove the whole selection, press Ctrl-D (Cmd-D macOS).
If you want to remove the selection from single layers, use Shift and Ctrl (Cmd macOS) like you did when selecting the layers.
It seems Options->Working->Special->Layerlist in 22.40b9 only visually hides Layerlist, but layers selection logic works in same confused way.
For me I can't even select multiple layers by holding Shift.