Large List of Suggestions and Requests for PhotoLine Tools

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Re: Large List of Suggestions and Requests for Photoline Tools

Post by shijan »

Request to enable or disable masks from multiple selected adjustment layers.
Currently adjustments layer masks may be enabled or disabled only one by one. Not too convenient:
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Re: Large List of Suggestions and Requests for PhotoLine Tools

Post by shijan »

Seems "Keep Distance" switch is missing in "Healing Brush" (similar switch used in Copy Brush tool and allow to pick source from multiple locations instead of single fixed point)
"Preview Copy" switch also very useful if only it is possible to preview "Healing Brush" in realtime.
Last edited by shijan on Tue 22 Jun 2021 20:28, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Large List of Suggestions and Requests for Photoline Tools

Post by shijan »

There is a right-click menu "Crop" that as expected crop image based on Rectangle Lasso selection in Picture Mode. In Document mode this command only crops image layer, but not a Document.

Request/Idea: In Document mode right-click menu add additional option "Crop Document" to crop document based on Rectangle Lasso selection tool. (Currently it is possible only with special "Crop Tool" in Toolbox and separate selection)
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Re: Large List of Suggestions and Requests for Photoline Tools

Post by shijan »

:arrow: Request/idea for more advanced non real time method for "Remove Dust/Scratches".
"Remove Dust/Scratches" filter detects artifacts pretty well but it use very basic and very quick object removal algorithm.
I attempt to emulate manually more advanced "Remove Dust/Scratches" tool with Denoise + High Pass Filter + Threshold + Color to Transparency + Expand Mask + Remove Object, but can't get the same quality of dust detection yet. Guess it is somehow more complex...
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Re: Large List of Suggestions and Requests for PhotoLine Tools

Post by shijan »

"Centered" by mistake always use window center instead of actual document borders center. So when document is moved within window - layer never pasted to expected document borders center.
This doesn't depend of Picture mode or Document mode:
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Re: Large List of Suggestions and Requests for PhotoLine Tools

Post by shijan »

Some improvement ideas for "Angle" option in Circle/Ellipse tool:
1. Currently "Angle" option always changes layer borders size and changes the location of the center point. In many situations this is very uncomfortable, especially if there is a need to rotate object later based on original circle center point.
So request is to add something like "Keep Original Center Point" checkbox to always keep original circle layer borders size and center point when use "Angle"

2. Request for "Offset" slider or Start/End point sliders to use in pair with "Angle" option. Currently in most situations it is very complicated to adjust "Angle" to exact desired position with single slider.
Last edited by shijan on Sat 10 Jul 2021 09:27, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Large List of Suggestions and Requests for Photoline Tools

Post by shijan »

Request/Idea: "Flat/Planar" mode and "Lens Correction" mode for Stitch tool. Similar separation used in many other stitching apps.


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Re: Large List of Suggestions and Requests for Photoline UI and Tools

Post by shijan »

Request/Idea: Cloner Adjustment Layer Filter.
I guess this essential option could be very very useful when create symmetry/clone based art. The idea is pretty simple - apply Cloner Adjustment Layer Filter to any Layer or Group, choose clone mode, choose amount of copies and other parameters.
Here is video Example how cloner tool works in Cinema 4D. Love to see some similar tool in PhotoLine in 2D space:




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Re: Large List of Suggestions and Requests for Photoline Tools

Post by shijan »

There are some very interesting researches about image filters manipulations. I am not sure how they are works yet, but some formulas are provided for each project.
:?: Maybe it is possible somehow cooperate with developer of those works and add those filters to PhotoLine in future? The cool thing that seems in most filters final result may be exported as vector graphics. So it may be an extended version of raster to vector converter in PhotoLine. ... rocessing/

There is also separate app HalftonePAL. Program written in Processing that lets you make halftoned versions of your images using circles, dots, and lines. You can change the size of the shapes, which pattern to use, switch between black or white paper (and the opposite ink), and more! It can save the output as SVG, JPG, or TXT file.
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Re: [Part 2] Large List of Suggestions and Requests for Photoline UI and Tools

Post by russellcottrell »

What if you only had curves, dehaze, light/shadow, the paintbrush, and unsharp mask?
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Re: [Part 2] Large List of Suggestions and Requests for Photoline UI and Tools

Post by Herbert123 »

Going to chime in here. I feel it is everyone's right to suggest improvements, and many of Shijan's suggestions have been great in my opinion and ones I would like to see as well. A number have been implemented, and have been real small improvements. Some I think are a bit specific, but I understand, having worked in a wide range of software (3D, animation, VFX, video, coding, etc.), where Shijan is coming from.

I think it is important to realize everyone harbours different wishes and requirements - in particular for a broad range application like PhotoLine which combines high-end image manipulation/comping, vector editing and general DTP functionality.

I myself have reported many, many bugs over the years and suggested many improvements: many of which were implemented and some were not. I feel it is also important to allow space for all of us PhotoLine users to provide constructive comments and suggestions for improvements - even if those suggestions might run counter to our own individual wants and preferences.

Shijan's suggestions for improvements are helpful. What is not helpful is name calling, or blowing up over a specific request, and this only occludes the fact that everyone here loves working with PhotoLine: seeing emotions run high in this thread only demonstrates and highlights this.

Tomorrow is a new day. Let's make it a positive one. :)
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Re: Large List of Suggestions and Requests for PhotoLine Tools

Post by Herbert123 »

shijan wrote: Sun 25 Oct 2020 02:45 1. There are two transform modes in text tool: In Normal mode text size stays unchanged inside transformed frame. In Extended mode text transforms as normal object.
Don't you think that it could be more logical to use simple object-like transform mode in Normal mode? For me personally it was very strange to see text tool that behaves like this. In most apps text tool transforms like simple object, so users usually just expect to type something and adjust text object size.
No, I disagree. In any DTP software this is the accepted behaviour. I do quite a lot of text layouts in PhotoLine, and it would drive me insane if the default behaviour would be to scale the text when grabbing the handles. In InDesign, Quark, Scribus, etc. the default behaviour is to extend the text space rather than scaling the text.
And pressing the CTRL key allows for text scaling - exactly like InDesign and other DTP apps.

In my opinion the current implementation is how it should be. So please do not change this behaviour, because it makes no sense when working with lots of text in a layout.
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Re: Large List of Suggestions and Requests for PhotoLine Tools

Post by shijan »

There is a well known very effective lossless temporal noise reduction method. It is based on multiple similar images blended with "Mean", "Median" or some other special blending modes. It is well described in this article ... -median_6/

This option also available in Photoshop, but as usual designed in rather hidden and confused way and also works very slow:
- File -> Scripts -> Load Files Into Stack -> check "Create Smart Object"
- Layer -> Smart Objects -> Stack Mode -> Mean

Just wonder if something similar already available somewhere in PhotoLine? (I guess not)
I guess technically this option may be rather simple. And probably in PhotoLine this could be designed in very friendly way.
For example:
Put layers into group and select special Mean/Median mode in group settings.
Or it may be simply designed as filter UI similar to "Stitch" or "Focus Stacking"

Stacking also available in Affinity Photo ... e%20stacks


Mean — averages pixel content across the stack of images. Good for long exposure simulation and noise reduction.
Median — removes pixel content that is not consistent in each image. Suitable for object removal and noise reduction.
Outlier — exposes pixel content that differs in each image: great for sequence composites.
Maximum — uses the maximum pixel values from each image. Can be used for creative exposure blending where the subject is lighter than the background.
Minimum — uses the minimum pixel values from each image. Suitable for exposure blending where the subject is darker than the background.
Range — indicates areas that change across the image stack. Good for analyzing what has changed between each image.
Mid-Range — uses the middle pixel values from each image. Can be used to increase tonal range if used with bracketed exposures.
Total — produces the total value of pixels from each image. Usually results in overexposure, but can be used to lighten very underexposed imagery.
Standard Deviation — analytical: measures the distribution of information between the images. Useful for object removal as it clearly indicates areas that will be averaged out with a Median operator.
Variance — analytical: as Standard Deviation, indicates how pixel values are spread between images. More intense distributions are shown very clearly.
Skewness — analytical: highlights edge detail and indicates the intensity of pixel value distribution. Can be used to determine tonal and spatial differences between images.
Kurtosis — analytical: detects the peakedness of an image. A brighter result represents low noise levels and a tonal uniformity (most pixels at dominant gray level). Darker results represent greater noise and less tonal uniformity (more pixels further away from dominant gray level).
Entropy — analytical: represents the number of bits required to encode information in the stack. Could be used with stacked video frames (within the same scene or shot).

To create a stack in affinity photo:
From the File menu, select New Stack.
From the dialog, click Add to locate and select your images for blending. Click Open to add the images to the stack list.
(Optional) Uncheck Automatically Align Images to manually align images later in the Layers panel.
Choose a Perspective or Scaling operation from the menu to allow for successful auto-alignment. The former applies a perspective adjustment to each image; the latter repositions and/or sizes the image layer.
Check Live Alignment to allow the above perspective adjustment to be made non-destructively (this may affect performance depending on size and number of images to be stacked).
Click OK.
Your images are blended and presented in a Live Stack Group in the Layers panel. You can manually align layers if auto-alignment isn't 100% accurate.

To change stack operator:
On the Layers panel, click the Stack operator icon on the Live Stack Group. The default operator is Median as indicated by the icon.
From the pop-up menu, select a stack operator suited to the type of photos you are stacking (see above). The icon will change depending on the operator selected.
Last edited by shijan on Tue 22 Jun 2021 20:34, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Large List of Suggestions and Requests for PhotoLine Tools

Post by shijan »

Currently PhotoLine can read both HaldCLUT and CUBE formats, but can't convert form HaldCLUT to CUBE format and back.
There are some free and rather overpriced commercial apps that can convert from HaldCLUT to CUBE format.
I don't know if this is a complicated task to code or not, but it is always nice to have native export option.
:arrow: So if possible i would like to add request: Option to convert from HaldCLUT to CUBE format and from CUBE to HaldCLUT.
Last edited by shijan on Tue 22 Jun 2021 20:34, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Large List of Suggestions and Requests for PhotoLine Tools

Post by Martin Huber »

shijan wrote: Tue 26 Jan 2021 00:53 I always thought that Grey Mixer tool is something that should work rather similar in any app, but seems i was wrong. Seems Grey Mixer tool may work in very different modes and so may produce very different final results. In addition sliders response also very different between apps.


Photoshop (how did they do it so uniform?):
The answer depends on how you created the source image.
shijan wrote: Tue 26 Jan 2021 00:53So i guess Grey Mixer options could be extended in future.
I don't think the gray mixer will be extendend.
You can use "Tools > Color > Hue Editor" for gray conversion which is more flexible. By dragging the saturation curve to the bottom, the brightness curve can be used to control the resulting gray values.
Additionally, it can work in different modes (RGB, HIS, HSV, Lab).
