In newest versions of PhotoLine Stamp Tool can work in true 16-bit. So i attempt to emulate Brush tool with Stamp tool to see how it performs.
I created 1080x1080px 16-bit PLD document with Vector Circle and Blur effect.
Named it "16-bit Brush.pld" and saved to ~/Library/Preferences/PhotoLine/Stamp
If click to Stamp tool Properties, it is possible to change stamp brush size and steps. Great!
Overall everything works smooth and fast in 16-bit. I didn't noticed any delays during painting. The only performance problem i could see is a small delays in brush overlay redraw when i use Command+Drag to change brush size.
Next i was hoping that same trick could work with normal brushes.
Unfortunately PhotoLine can import brushes only in special .bru .abr formats. Creating new custom raster brush is simple but rather hidden process. From forum threads i learn that i need to create image, then copy it with Command+C and then paste with Command+V to Brushes Panel.
As a result i got custom raster brush but unfortunately it was automatically converted to 8-bit.
So in addition to my existing old request for 16-bit support in brushes and soft edges engine, i can add another suggestion:

add an option to read brushes directly from PLD files placed in ~/Library/Preferences/PhotoLine/Brushes
This may provide a lot of flexibility and allow to quickly edit PLD brush file sources if needed. If Stamp tool can read brushes from PLD file like this, why Brush tool can't?