Hidden Hotkeys in Levels, Curves & Onter Adjustments

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Hidden Hotkeys in Levels, Curves & Onter Adjustments

Post by shijan »

:arrow: Global adjustments picker key modifiers:
Alt+Click = keeps picker activated in adjustment dockable panel after picking a color.
Command+Click&Drag selects any desired area instead of fixed (1x1, 3x3, 5x5, 11x11, ...) rectangle.

:arrow: Levels adjustment picker key modifiers:
Click = Set Pure White for Active Channel.
Shift+Click = Set Pure Black for Active Channel.
Command+Click (or Command+Click&Drag) = Set Pure White for All Channels.
Command+Shift+Click (or Command+Shift+Click&Drag) = Set Pure Black for All Channels.

:arrow: Curves adjustment picker key modifiers:
Click (or Click&Drag, or Command+Click&Drag) = Add point to currently used single channel curve and activates it (starting from 24.40b9)
Alt+Click (or Command+Alt+Click&Drag) = Add points to R G B curves.

:arrow: Curves keys:
Arrows keys allow to move points with normal steps.
Shift+Arrows keys allow to move points with precise steps.
Numpad [-] and Numpad [+] keys allow to navigate between points.
Shift+Numpad [-] and Shift+Numpad [+] keys allow to navigate between points and keep previous points selected.
Menu+Shift key to change Spline/Bezier and other modes for all curve channels together (starting from 24.40b8)
Shift+Text Input in Curves menu allows formula input (e.g. "x^2" or "sqrt(x)") (starting from 24.40b8)
PhotoLine UI Icons Customization Project: https://www.pl32.com/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6302