PhotoLine 24


PhotoLine is an image and graphics editor for any task. You can edit images or create them for the Internet, but also create documents for printing (PDF).

PhotoLine offers everything for professional results: CMYK and Lab color space, color management with ICC profiles, adjustment layers, actions and 16/32-bit color depth per channel. You can edit vector graphics and edit PDF files.

Some new features of version 24 are:

In addition, there are countless improvements in many areas.

Layout and Design

Layer Compositions

Layer Compositions

A layer composition saves the visibility and appearance of all layers in the document. In detail, the following data is saved:

Layer Compositions 2

By creating layer compositions, you can save multiple variations of a document and then quickly switch between them with a mouse click to either compare or present them.

(in the menu under “View > Panels > Layer Compositions”)

In addition, for placeholder layers containing a document with layer compositions, you can set which of the compositions is displayed in the Layer Attributes.

(in the Layer Attributes “View > Panels > Layer Attributes”)

Formatting Marks

Formatting Marks Dialog

Text layers now optionally display formatting marks such as spaces, paragraph endings, or hyphens. Which of these should be displayed is adjustable.

(in the menu under “View > Show Formatting Marks” and in the options under “Display > Formatting Marks”)

Formatting Marks

Delete Clipped Layers

The “Delete Clipped Layers” command deletes all layers that became invisible due to the active clipping layer. If the clipping layer is a rectangle, the paths of the affected vector layers will also be clipped with the rectangle.

This is mainly useful when post-processing vector maps.

(in the menu under “Layer > Clipping Layer > Delete Clipped Layers”)

Document Window Improvements

Appearance on Windows

The appearance of the document windows on Windows has been harmonized with the rest of the interface:

Appearance on Windows

Alignment When Moving and Resizing

When you move or resize a document window, it now automatically snaps to other document windows. This lets you quickly work with multiple documents simultaneously without them overlapping.

Furthermore, you can resize several aligned document windows at the same time by holding down the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (macOS) key.

Maximize in Free Area

Double-clicking the title bar of a document window maximizes it. If Ctrl (Windows) or the Command key (macOS) is pressed, the document is placed as large as possible in the available space.

Maximize Document Windows

PhotoLine now also remembers on macOS if a document has been maximized. Documents that are opened afterwards will then also be maximized automatically.

Show/Hide Panels

If you hide helper dialogs via “View > Hide Panels”, the document windows are now enlarged accordingly, so that they actually use the newly available area. Correspondingly, they will be reduced again by “View > Show Panels”.

User Interface Improvements

Layer List

Layer List


Double-clicking the slider button will reset it to its original value.


Improvements in Image Editing

Layer Tool

If you have created a selection in your document - for example with a lasso tool - and the active layer is an image, you can use the Layer Tool to move and copy the contents of the selection immediately without creating a new layer. The following options are available:

Undo List with “Record Actions”

Often you edit an image and afterwards you think that you now want to apply the same steps to other images.
Instead of tediously starting from scratch, you can now jump to the start of the edit in the Undo List and then use the “Record Actions” button to create an action from the redo steps. You can then apply this action to further images.


File Import and Export

Export Settings

Export Settings

You can now assign export settings to layers and pages. Later you can export all layers with such settings in one go. This is useful, for example, if you manage several icons in one file or create a watch face for a smartwatch.

A layer/page can have several export settings. In this case, several files will be created during the export. You can specify a file format and scaling for each setting.

(in the menu under “View > Panels > Export Attributes” and in the Page Attributes)





Detail Improvements

What was new in: