PhotoLine is starting slowly

Answers to frequently asked questions about PhotoLine
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Gerhard Huber
Posts: 4190
Joined: Mon 18 Nov 2002 15:30
Location: Bad Gögging

PhotoLine is starting slowly

Post by Gerhard Huber »

PhotoLine starts normally very fast, it will take only a few seconds.
If your PhotoLine is starting slowly, there are some possible reasons for it:
  • You have opend the browse window. When there are many big documents in it, it's possible that reading the preview pictures take much time:
    You can press the shift key while PhotoLine starts, this will not open the browse window
  • You have installed very much plugin filters:
    You should think about installing less filters. Filters that are seldom used, can be activated temporarily. There are plugin manager programs to download for free.
  • Windows: Here it is possible that a virus scanner blocks the registry access of PhotoLine:
    PhotoLine accesses the registry very often. There are programms that block this access. If so, try to setup PhotoLine as a "trustworthy" or "reliable" program in the virus checker. This should solve the problem.
    Alternatively you can use PhotoLine in USB mode, here is no registry access.