All you need is to replace with the one in your PL installation dir, or in on Mac.
All mods are made by myself and copyleft, so feel free to use it and of course I'd be glad if these mods were accepted by PL maintainers too.
Preview of the modified toolbar vs old one:

Preview of the modified layers pane vs old one:

What has changed (layers of Pictures.pld):
1. Toolbar > Lupe icon template
2. Toolbar > Pipette icon template
3. Toolbar > Coulour picker icon template
4. Toolbar > Radiergummi
5. Toolbar > Stift
6. Toolbar > Mask (giving it more serious look)
7. Eye
8. Info
9. Function
10. Mask
11. Filter
Non template modifications:
* 12307 (Zoom tools)
* 12361
* 12426
* 15003 (Gradient tool)
* 15007 (Flood fill tool)
* 15009 (Stamp tool)
* 15012 (Smudge tool)
* 15020 (Pincers tool)
* 15023 (Glue tool)
* 15030 (Hand tool)
* 15036 (Text tool)
* 15074 (Ruler tool)
* 15150 (Ruler)
* 15030 (Hand tool) wow old one was really bad
* 15037,15038,15057,15028,15026,15025,15024 (Shapes)
* 200034 IDP_CHECK (checkmark)
Next maybe I'll give the app icon some try