Giving PhotoLine icons some touch

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Re: Giving PhotoLine icons some touch

Post by Ashcraaft »

ono wrote:Thanks to Gerhard, the latest beta has updated toolbar icons, so we have visible improvement.
Mask-Icon-Guy seems to have a bad day because the shape of the eyes looks like he is crying. I would prefere a more resolute look :wink:
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Danke, Sascha Ballweg
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Re: Giving PhotoLine icons some touch

Post by ono »

greenmorpher wrote:(...) By the way, the English term is actually not one word by a phrase "touch up", so you might say you have given the icon a touch up. 8)
Oh, thanks. I lack intuition completely about this matter, so goes my clumsy English.
Ashcraaft wrote:
ono wrote:Thanks to Gerhard, the latest beta has updated toolbar icons, so we have visible improvement.
Mask-Icon-Guy seems to have a bad day because the shape of the eyes looks like he is crying. I would prefere a more resolute look :wink:
Hehe :) I'd say black crying mask is part of the canon, see: ... =univ&sa=X
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Re: Giving PhotoLine icons some touch

Post by Hoogo »

What's the meaning of this pair of masks? My grandmother has some of these hanging at her wall.
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Re: Giving PhotoLine icons some touch

Post by bkh »

They are ancient Greek theater masks, symbolising comedy and tragedy. Guess which is which. :mrgreen:

