Nur wenige wissen, wie viel man wissen muss, um zu wissen, wie wenig man weiss.
Only few know how much you have to know to know how little you know.
— Werner Heisenberg [German theoretical physicist]
Angle degree ° symbol is missing in "Motion Blur", "Relief", "Wipe Effect" filters and in Brush Editor Problem fixed in 22.90b15
Also legacy external angle ° sign needs to be removed in Effects -> Distort -> Angled Roughen and Effects -> Effect Filters -> Lights Problem fixed in 22.90b15
Rounded corners slider don't works yet if polygon have 3 or 4 corners. Problem fixed in 22.90b15
Rounded corners in polygon are overlapped if corner radius set to 100 Problem fixed in 22.90b15
"Angle" wheel sign feels slightly not too logical. That arrow in the end always makes me feel that it changes radius size, but not rotates things. More common and universal sign for "Angle" tool is circle with simple line (sometimes with dot in the center). Problem fixed in 22.90b15
In Windows version "Angle" wheel sign looks oval distorted in some places Problem fixed in 22.90b15
Output Levels handles have different height: Problem fixed in 22.90b15
In custom mouse middle click menu instead of separation line i see now word "Micellaneous" Problem fixed in 22.90b15
In Layer Style Presets quick list right click menu is missing. Problem fixed in 22.90b15
English translation missing in Speckie Gradient and settings Problem fixed in 22.90b15
Spiral tool generates not too perfectly rounded shape. It feels like some sort of rounded rectangle, but not a real arc Problem fixed in 22.90b15
Delay between main window and preview when layback animation Problem fixed in 22.90b15
"Shape" and "Outline" modes names in Clipping mask are messed up Problem fixed in 22.90b15. Now used names "Path" and "Shape"
When "Text Centered" or "Text Right" is enabled and i type text, it keep using default Text Left Aligned. Problem fixed in 22.90b15
Some tiny icons look distorted when i use name Pictures.pld instead of PicturesUser.pld custom icons file Problem fixed in 22.90b15
Last edited by shijan on Fri 20 Aug 2021 15:33, edited 2 times in total.
Gerhard Huber wrote: ↑Wed 18 Aug 2021 08:27
Nein, die Gradation heißt in Adobe-Sprache "Curves":
Ah, Danke! Ich spreche leider Gott sein Dank kein Adobe, nur ganz normale, irdische Sprachen
Nur weiss ich jetzt nicht, wo der Vorteil der Schieberegler ist — das konnte man doch bisher schon über die Anfasser der Kurve machen, wenn man wollte.
Nur wenige wissen, wie viel man wissen muss, um zu wissen, wie wenig man weiss.
Only few know how much you have to know to know how little you know.
— Werner Heisenberg [German theoretical physicist]
If you want to improve Curves tool further, better add real time visualization of summary curve shape created by Contrast/Luminance/Gamma sliders.
Same visualization also may be useful in Exposure tool. This may partially help to avoid confusion between totally different tools that use same name "Luminance" in Exposure and in Curves. Problem was described here viewtopic.php?p=47970#p47970
Or improve points visibility in Curves as it was requested earlier here: viewtopic.php?p=47953#p47953 and here viewtopic.php?p=49266#p49266
Last edited by shijan on Wed 18 Aug 2021 23:31, edited 3 times in total.