How can I or is it even possible in PL.

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How can I or is it even possible in PL.

Post by bruce1951 »

OK a bit of a long shot.

I use View/Hide Panels a lot. Is there a way of changing the workspace colour in Hide Panels?

To help make my point this link may help.
Skip to the 5.30 mark.

I like to edit on a dark background. But as Simon Baxter points out it can be misleading come print time. So can I change just the working background in Hide Panels to white (or other colour)? Or if not would the developers please consider this as a future feature.

Note I'm not referring to Soft Proofing.

Why Hide Panels? Well it's an uncluttered space but the tools are still available along the top to make minor changes. ie Curves, Levels and Color options.

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Re: How can I or is it even possible in PL.

Post by shijan »

I can join to your request. I asked for more background colors customization long time ago.
At least In Preferences in addition to Picture Mode and Document Mode background colors it should be option to set color for Full Screen mode and Hidden Panels mode.

In addition it also could be additional quick toggle somewhere directly inside UI or hotkey to temporary change background color presets.

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Re: How can I or is it even possible in PL.

Post by bruce1951 »

This may help make my point. Same image. Same size etc etc etc.

But with the white background, as it would be mounted, they look different.
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