Neue Testversion 17.90b11

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Martin Huber
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by Martin Huber »

Ashcraaft wrote:Auch nach Neustart noch immer das gleiche Problem.
Ich installiere die Beta jetzt mal neu.
Eine Neuinstallation ist im Regelfall bei PhotoLine nicht sinnvoll. Mir fällt zumindest kein halbwegs plausibles Szenario ein, wo das was bringen kann.
Ashcraaft wrote:Oder soll ich lieber irgendwelche speziellen .plist-Dateien entfernen?
Am liebsten aber natürlich mit Wiederherstellungsmöglichkeiten für meine Präferenzen.
Ich würde zuerst mal die Einstellungen umbenennen (nicht löschen). Das ist der Ordner "~/Library/Preferences/PhotoLine". Du kannst direkt aus dem Finder nach "~/Library" springen, wenn du mit gedrückter Alt-Taste das "Gehe zu"-Menü öffnest. Wenn es ohne Voreinstellungen schneller geht, dann ist es recht wahrscheinlich, dass es daran liegt. Du kannst dann deine Voreinstellungen ausdünnen (zuerst kopieren), und schauen, woran es liegt. Du kannst sie auch an uns schicken, dann schauen wir, ob wir das Problem reproduzieren können.

Du kannst auch mal während des Ladens PhotoLine beenden (Kontextmenü des PhotoLine-Dockeintrags "Sofort beenden") und uns die resultierende Log-Datei als Textanhang schicken.

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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by bkh »

Ashcraaft wrote:Auch nach Neustart noch immer das gleiche Problem.
Ich installiere die Beta jetzt mal neu. Oder soll ich lieber irgendwelche speziellen .plist-Dateien entfernen?
Am liebsten aber natürlich mit Wiederherstellungsmöglichkeiten für meine Präferenzen.
Komisch, also "handelsübliche" JPEG-Dateien mit ein paar MB sind hier gar kein Problem. Die einfachste Möglichkeit, die Voreinstellungen auf "Default" zu stellen, ist, vor dem Programmstart im selben Ordner wie das Programm einen Ordner "UserSettings" oder "PhotoLineSettings" anzulegen. Wenn alles korrekt ist, dann startet PL als unregistrierte Version. Wenn du den Ordner wieder löscht, hast du deine alten Voreinstellungen wieder.


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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by ono »

I dunno if this BUG was was reported before but I just noticed that since 17.90 Beta 5 PhotoLine uses enormous amount of memory when opening file from Finder, like 1.5GB for really small file and take several seconds.
Opening same file from recent list or open dialog is instant, no such memory use.

Just to confirm: Beta 1-3 has no such issue, Beta 4 opening file from Finder is broken, all Beta 5-11 problem exists. Stable 17.51 works well.

My box is OSX 10.8.4 iMac 12GB RAM.
Adam Strzelecki | | CBCT/PET tomography engineer
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by bkh »

ono wrote:I dunno if this BUG was was reported before but I just noticed that since 17.90 Beta 5 PhotoLine uses enormous amount of memory when opening file from Finder, like 1.5GB for really small file and take several seconds.
I'm not quite sure what do you mean by "Open from Finder". Just double-clicking on a .pld file or using File -> Open/Open with … in Finder works fine here – no unusual amounts of memory (with PL 17.90b11, 32 or 64 bit, OS X 10.8.4). Could be the same problem which Ashcraft just reported, though.

Does the problem also occur if you open the file via PL's File -> Open, or if you open it from PL's browser?


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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by ono »

bkh wrote:Does the problem also occur if you open the file via PL's File -> Open, or if you open it from PL's browser?
No, only when file is passed to PL from external application, i.e. clicking on .pld in Finder. The problem only occurs in 17.90 Beta 5-11, so it was introduced in Beta 5.
Opening file within the PL works just fine.
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by Ashcraaft »

Martin Huber wrote:
Ashcraaft wrote:Auch nach Neustart noch immer das gleiche Problem.
Ich installiere die Beta jetzt mal neu.
Eine Neuinstallation ist im Regelfall bei PhotoLine nicht sinnvoll. Mir fällt zumindest kein halbwegs plausibles Szenario ein, wo das was bringen kann.
Ashcraaft wrote:Oder soll ich lieber irgendwelche speziellen .plist-Dateien entfernen?
Am liebsten aber natürlich mit Wiederherstellungsmöglichkeiten für meine Präferenzen.
Ich würde zuerst mal die Einstellungen umbenennen (nicht löschen). Das ist der Ordner "~/Library/Preferences/PhotoLine". Du kannst direkt aus dem Finder nach "~/Library" springen, wenn du mit gedrückter Alt-Taste das "Gehe zu"-Menü öffnest. Wenn es ohne Voreinstellungen schneller geht, dann ist es recht wahrscheinlich, dass es daran liegt. Du kannst dann deine Voreinstellungen ausdünnen (zuerst kopieren), und schauen, woran es liegt. Du kannst sie auch an uns schicken, dann schauen wir, ob wir das Problem reproduzieren können.

Du kannst auch mal während des Ladens PhotoLine beenden (Kontextmenü des PhotoLine-Dockeintrags "Sofort beenden") und uns die resultierende Log-Datei als Textanhang schicken.

Das Problem lag an den Voreinstellungen der Kurven. Folgendes Vorgehen hat geholfen:
- PhotoLine beendet
- im PhotoLine-Einstellungsordner die Datei DefaultCurve umbenannt
- PhotoLine gestartet. OK!

Scheinbar hatte sich da (durch einen Fehler) eine lange Liste mit Pseudo-Userkurven gebildet.
Danke an die Hubers :-)
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Danke, Sascha Ballweg
(Photoline-Nutzung: Mac OS-X & Windows 10)
Martin Huber
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by Martin Huber »

bkh wrote:I'm not quite sure what do you mean by "Open from Finder". Just double-clicking on a .pld file or using File -> Open/Open with … in Finder works fine here – no unusual amounts of memory (with PL 17.90b11, 32 or 64 bit, OS X 10.8.4). Could be the same problem which Ashcraft just reported, though.
It's working fine here, too.

Ashcraft had an enormous number of curves in his curve list. We don't know yet, how this happened. Deleting the curves fixed the problem.

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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by bkh »

Martin Huber wrote:Ashcraft had an enormous number of curves in his curve list. We don't know yet, how this happened. Deleting the curves fixed the problem.
I just checked – my curves list has also grown enourmously – it now consists of something like 1000 copies of the original curves list. I recently added one new curve by dragging it from the curve editor window to the list below, if that's relevant.


Martin Huber
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by Martin Huber »

bkh wrote:I just checked – my curves list has also grown enourmously – it now consists of something like 1000 copies of the original curves list.
I don't have this problem here.
bkh wrote:I recently added one new curve by dragging it from the curve editor window to the list below, if that's relevant.
I just tried that and it didn't change the number of curves except the one I dragged.

If someone knows how to trigger the problem, I am highly interested.

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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by bkh »

Martin Huber wrote:If someone knows how to trigger the problem, I am highly interested.
I've checked my Time Machine backups, maybe this information helps tracing down the problem:

DefaultCurve started to grow on 13 June – two days after I installed 17.90b11. There are three copies of the original curves list in the file. Then the file grew to 1.2 MB (≈ 200 copies of the curves list) on 19 June (yesterday) and then grew to 64 MB today. I changed the curve list at most once during that time (I can't find my curve in the list, though.)

I'll watch out for changes in DefaultCurves …


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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by bkh »

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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by ono »

I know how to reproduce this problem. My curve file was over 300MB! Moving it away just solves problem temporarily.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to ~/Library/Preferences/Photoline and remove or rename DefaultCurve.cu1.
2. Now open Photoline, open Curve List panel, you should see default curves
3. Now with the curve list open, open some PLD file in Finder
4. Voilla, Curves were doubled, default curves were added to current list!

As I said this bug was introduced in Beta 5 or 4.
Adam Strzelecki | | CBCT/PET tomography engineer
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by bkh »

ono wrote:Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to ~/Library/Preferences/Photoline and remove or rename DefaultCurve.cu1.
2. Now open Photoline, open Curve List panel, you should see default curves
3. Now with the curve list open, open some PLD file in Finder
4. Voilla, Curves were doubled, default curves were added to current list!
Yes, great, that must be it … if you quit after 4 and restart with step 2, the already doubled list will be doubled again, which explains the rapid growth.

Btw., you don't have to have the Curves List panel open for the list to increase …


Martin Huber
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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by Martin Huber »

ono wrote:Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to ~/Library/Preferences/Photoline and remove or rename DefaultCurve.cu1.
2. Now open Photoline, open Curve List panel, you should see default curves
3. Now with the curve list open, open some PLD file in Finder
4. Voilla, Curves were doubled, default curves were added to current list!
Wow, that's really easy. We will fix that. In the meantime you should either open files using the Browse function or delete the curve list regularly.
ono wrote:As I said this bug was introduced in Beta 5 or 4.
I think Burkhart is right. The bug was introduced with the Beta 11.

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Re: Neue Testversion 17.90b11

Post by ono »

Martin Huber wrote:Wow, that's really easy. We will fix that. In the meantime you should either open files using the Browse function or delete the curve list regularly.
OK, cool. I'll remove the curves and switch back to Beta 10.
Martin Huber wrote:
ono wrote:As I said this bug was introduced in Beta 5 or 4.
I think Burkhart is right. The bug was introduced with the Beta 11.
Yeah, I confirm it grows only with latest Beta. But with 300MB curve file it is causing a trouble to all Betas down to Beta 5, like if since that opening file from Finder is somehow re-loading curve list. Any reason why it does that anyway?
Adam Strzelecki | | CBCT/PET tomography engineer