Custom crop

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Joined: Sat 23 Apr 2016 17:03

Custom crop

Post by bruce1951 »

I'm trying to apply a custom crop to a number of images but!!!!

First image I drew a crop using Freeform. I saved that crop. When I open a new image and try to crop it using the custom crop nothing happens. (Under Freeform is my named custom crop).

So dumb question - what am I doing wrong? I need someone to hold my hand on the steps.

Posts: 109
Joined: Sun 18 May 2003 02:02

Re: Custom crop

Post by maho »

By Custom Crop, do you mean a Lasso created with the Free Lasso tool?

Here's how I would do it. There may be a better way.

1) Use Free Lasso to create what you want
2) Tool->Lasso->Lasso To Layer. This should create a Vector layer.
3) Make copies of the new Vector layer using Cntl-C Cntl-V
4) Choose one of the new Vector layers, and do Tool->Lasso->Layer To Lasso
5) Perform the crop as desired
6) Goto 4