Working on multiple layers at the same time

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Joined: Tue 16 Jun 2020 14:04

Working on multiple layers at the same time

Post by ert55 »

Is it possible to have multiple active layers so e.g. I start drawing on Layer 1 and Layer 2 will get painted on as well?
I'd like to create a seamless texture. I could create a virtual copy of the first layer, but I don't want to have 2 identical images.
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Martin Huber
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Joined: Tue 19 Nov 2002 15:49

Re: Working on multiple layers at the same time

Post by Martin Huber »

You can't do that.

But if you want to create a seamless pattern, you can use vector patterns to do something similar.
I am assuming, that you want to create a pattern having the size (256;256):
  • Create an empty new document ("File > New > New Document") with the size (256;256), RGB
  • Create a new transparent RGB image layer with the size (768;768), position (-256;-256). Now you have an image that extends beyond the document on all 4 sides.
  • Group this image layer.
  • Turn on "View > Pattern Mode".
  • Now when you leave the document while painting, the content inside the document will appear on the opposite page.
Now if you want to have an image with the content you see, you need to:
  • Right-click any color field and select "Vector Pattern from Document" from the context menu. A Color Editor will appear, just hit OK.
  • Create an empty new document ("File > New > New Document") with the size (256;256), RGB
  • Create a vector layer filling the document ("Layout > Vector > Fit in Vector Layer").
  • Right-click the fill color of the vector layer and select "Paste".
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue 16 Jun 2020 14:04

Re: Working on multiple layers at the same time

Post by ert55 »

Thanks! :)